B/X Stonehell Dungeon, Session 12, May 29, 2021

 Dramatis Personae:

Izzie the Thief

Benji the Halfling 


Banfiz the Elf

Gort the Cleric 

Mik the Torchbearer 

At the kennel on vacation:

Kiwi, Benji’s War Doggo 

The party entered the third level via the secret stairs and headed east. They discovers a room with a carving of a female dwarf serving drinks to warriors. Etched under the carving is the name “Gudren”, and the party discovered that uttering the name while touching the carving fills one’s empty containers with fine mead! At least they won’t die thirsty or sober down here. 

Another room contained a chanting statue, and an altar with a statue of a honey badger on it. Saying “Badger” (Badger Badger Badger?) in dwarfish caused a stairway down to level four to be revealed. Bravely, the heroes decided to descend down the stairs, where they found themselves in the effective “basement” of the dwarven temple above. Adjoining was the inner sanctum, which they profaned by entering. The resident dwarven Wraith took exception to their presence and attempted to destroy them. The party was ready for undead shenanigans however, and managed to put it down without anyone succumbing to the Wraith’s level draining ability. I was disappointed. To add insult to injury, they discovered the Dwarven warhammer called “Kneecapper”, which was entrusted to Benji. Perhaps not the best idea, but not my problem. Maybe one day, he’ll plummet down a sinkhole, taking the priceless hammer with him for all eternity. A DM can always hope! 😈 They also found a scroll of Know Alignment, which is bound to come in handy. 

Retreating back to the third level, the party encountered a patrol of bugbears in a hall decorated with glowing glyphs and oil paintings of wizards. The bugbears were not inclined to parley, and the ensuing ruckus alerted their compatriots a few rooms away, who rushed in, creating a pincer movement against the heroes! Wisely, the party attempted to punch through to create a bottleneck in the hallway, which was partially successful. Things still looked pretty bad for the PCs, with their four combatants against the bugbears’ seven. However, "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise." The PCs are neither little children, nor ships named Enterprise, but nevertheless still fall quite neatly into the first category, luckily for them. They narrowly avoided a TPK, and scarpered back to town with their loot. 


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