B/X Stonehell Dungeon, Session 11, May 01, 2021

 Dramatis Personae:

Benji Boggins, Halfling, accompanied by his war dog, Kiwi 

Isabella diSarono, Thief


Gort of the Shining Force, Cleric

Banfiz, Elf 

After making the obligatory offering to Coal the Black Bear, the party headed down to level two, and went to the site of previous delve’s massacre. It was still abandoned, so the party headed north, only to find a whole whack of nothing except a spear trap that Izzy narrowly avoided being impaled by. Disappointed, the retraced their steps and headed back south. 

Further exploration showed that there are more inmates still living in this area of the dungeon, who apparently didn’t recognize Izzy, or were not present at the battle. They were reasonably friendly, even sharing a meal with the party, and giving them some intel about a purported vampire. 

They then found a secret door (thanks to Banfiz’s elven senses) leading to a long forgotten room, containing a straitjacket-clad skeleton (non-animated) with a locket tucked inside tge jacket, depicting what was likely the daughter of the unfortunate skeleton in life. The were promptly attacked by a poltergeist, which showed tenacity in the face of Gort’s turning, but an almost comical lack of accuracy in combat, hurling broken bottles, table legs and other detritus at the party to minimal effect, while they cut it to ghostly smithereens. 

True to the inmate intel, they came across a door with the words “Do not disturb the slumber of it” scrawled across it, and assumed this must be the resting/sleeping/bloodsucking quarters of the purported vampire. The door was easily opened, revealing a stout coffin draped with garlic cloves, and cairn through the dust-filled air. Nothing immediately accosted the delvers, and they approached the coffin with understandable trepidation. As Benji and Izzie both have more courage than sense, they decided to open the coffin. Getting ready to shank whatever might be inside, Benji opener the lid, and was promptly struck by bolts of magical force, but he survived. Inside was nothing but dust and a wooden stake. 

Moving along, they came across a room that whispered constantly, giving some of the characters preternatural insights. 

A few door away, the encounters some large Black Widow spiders that laired in a padded cell, and dispatched them easily with blade and flame. 

Finally, they reached the Auditorium. They were greeted by Pixies, or so they thought. Once the PCs lowered their guard, they were attacked by what were actually Pyskes, which are the evil counterparts of Pixies, albeit without goatees. The party was hard pressed, being magically webbed, charmed, and peppered by magic missiles by the Pyske sorcerer, whose compatriots swooped in for the kill. Capable of flight, Pyskes are dangerous in large numbers, and difficult to hit. However, they are frail of body and succumb to cold steel as easily as any mortal. Once freed of webbing, the party fought back, swatting and shooting Pyskes out of the air, smashing them into the stone columns of the auditorium, and finally leaving the place streaked with the blood of the Unseelie. After all that, their foes were not excessively flush with coin! They took what they found and headed back to town. 


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