B/X Stonehell Dungeon, Session 14, Sept 18, 2021

Dramatis Personae:

Benji Boggins, Halfling, accompanied by his war dog, Kiwi 

Norton, Magic User, probably uses a red Swingline stapler as a focus. 


Banfiz, elf 

Gort of the Shining Force, Cleric

Mik Enkopolo, Torchbearer and Caddy 

The party returned to the third level of Stonehell. The neglected to buy a care package for Coal, and thus had no rerolls available. Oh well. 

The came to an area that contained a large number of domiciles. Benji, contrary to his inclination, decided listening at the doors was a better idea than just barging in and blundering into who knows what. 

At the first door, Benji hears rustling. Bursting in, they find a couple of large snakes! These snakes are highly venomous, but seemed disinterested in the party, and merely went about their business. The process was repeated for the giant centipedes (also venomous) in the next room. More snakes in the third room reacted threateningly, and Benji remembered that “snakes is good eatin’” and charged in to score a quick (and undeniably fresh) hunk or two of protein. The snakes bit him repeatedly, but the venom was not up to the task of felling an already unsanitary halfling. Has the snakes survived, they would have likely succumbed to Benji-funk before too long. No one wants to go like that! Luckily, the party made short work of the snakes, sparing them of such an inhumane end. They found some empty rooms, and two more snakes, which Norton used his Sleep spell on, and were summarily despatched. 

Things seemed to being going pretty well for our heroic delvers, but after they found the last snakes, something found them. Striking from behind after arising out of a large pool, a giant frog seemingly made of water tried to make a meal of the party. It grabbed Gort and hauled him into the pool, intending to drown him. At this point it became a frantic melee obscured by splashing water and accompanied by the sounds of gurgling Gort struggling for air. It was very hard for the heroes to see what they were doing, and edged weapons seemed to have no effect! Luckily Norton had Magic Missile prepared, and Benji was wielding the hammer Kneecapper. Between the two of them and Banfiz, they were able to slay the abomination and free their cleric from a watery (and froggy) grave. Between the rooms and the pool, they acquired quite a sum of treasure and a magical sword. The next room had a pair of Giant Black Widow Spiders that caused the party to quickly say “hard pass” and shut the door ASAFP. Fortunately spiders are stymied by doorknobs, much like politicians.

Moving east, the party was beset by a gaggle of gargoyles, who were apparently guarding something. Gargoyles are only hurt by magical weapons, but fortunately the heroes came so armed. The gargoyles were soundly beaten, with one retreating further into the dungeon. While all the PCs survived, Benji took some hard hits.


Rather than pursuing the last remaining gargoyle, the party decided to quit while they were ahead and head back to the surface before their luck ran out. 


After this, we put the campaign on hiatus so we could try out AD&D 1e/OSRIC, which I've started blogging. Be sure to check it out! 


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