
Showing posts from January, 2021

B/X Stonehell Dungeon Session 5 Jan 23, 2021 To the Second Level

Dramatis Personae: Benji Boggins: Halfling of great bravery, coupled with neither Intelligence, nor Wisdom, nor forethought  Captain Jane Bridgers, a cleric who has proven her faith and can now cast spells Finlor: Elf, no relation to Finrod or Finarfin   Liathano: Mage: she’s looking for summoning magic  Isabella Disarono: Thief of prodigious ego  Oryn: A dwarf of redoubtable strength, bearer of the Axe Scar Also present: The retainer Buffalo Head, fighter, and is I suppose, a Minotaur, named after the beer Stacy was drinking when hired The retainer Lindt, named after the chocolate Lexa was eating when he was hired  Interesting note: gender parity in the player group   The group explored the northwest section of the dungeon, hitting a lot of soft targets. Due to the size and firepower of the party, they were able to take down “Da Dragon” (in actuality a giant gecko) in a few rounds with only Oryn taking damage.  The only truly dangerous moment was when...

B/X Stonehell Dungeon Session 4 Dec 26, 2020

Dramatis Personae: Benji Boggins: Halfling of great bravery, coupled with neither Intelligence nor Wisdom Isabella Disarono: Thief of prodigious ego  Oryn: A dwarf of redoubtable strength  Also present: the retainer Buffalo Head, fighter, and is, I suppose, a Minotaur  The party narrowly avoided not one, but TWO potential TPKS through a combination of dumb luck, solid tactics, and a good handful of healing potions. It was of course, Murphy’s Law that had them beeline straight for the deadliest encounter on the level, a whole tribe of orcs with an incredibly deadly captain. However, in B/X, great risks yield great rewards: Oryn received the legendary dwarven battle axe “Scar” from the corpse of the Orc captain. They then came upon a group of dwarves documenting the dungeon architecture, who took pity on the bedraggled delivers and healed them up when the party offered them their recently plundered dwarven brandy. Later, the party was then treated to an example of Benji’s l...

B/X Stonehell Dungeon Session 1 Oct 3, 2020

Dramatis Personae: Benji Boggins: Halfling of great bravery, coupled with neither Intelligence nor Wisdom Captain Jane Bridgers: Cleric, still proving her faith  Fitladin: An incredibly obnoxious fighter Valharik: An elf wielding a two hand sword as tall as he is  Oryn: A dwarf of redoubtable strength  The party cleared the Gatehouse, avoided getting bitten by lethally poisonous giant centipedes, got attacked by stirges, one of which drained some of Oryn’s blood before being shot off by Fitladin’s arrow. The party got a job from a group of goblins who were ousted from the main dungeon and who want revenge on the orcs who forces them out. Valharik the elf nearly succumbed to wounds inflicted by a fire beetle, but made his Death Save and hung on. The elf also found some interesting magic items behind a secret door. Jane found gold and a gem on a corpse, which she gave Last Rites to so that it wouldn’t rise as undead. Benji found a cask of expensive wine and some hand tools....