B/X Stonehell Dungeon Session 5 Jan 23, 2021 To the Second Level
Dramatis Personae: Benji Boggins: Halfling of great bravery, coupled with neither Intelligence, nor Wisdom, nor forethought Captain Jane Bridgers, a cleric who has proven her faith and can now cast spells Finlor: Elf, no relation to Finrod or Finarfin Liathano: Mage: she’s looking for summoning magic Isabella Disarono: Thief of prodigious ego Oryn: A dwarf of redoubtable strength, bearer of the Axe Scar Also present: The retainer Buffalo Head, fighter, and is I suppose, a Minotaur, named after the beer Stacy was drinking when hired The retainer Lindt, named after the chocolate Lexa was eating when he was hired Interesting note: gender parity in the player group The group explored the northwest section of the dungeon, hitting a lot of soft targets. Due to the size and firepower of the party, they were able to take down “Da Dragon” (in actuality a giant gecko) in a few rounds with only Oryn taking damage. The only truly dangerous moment was when...